Temporary Car Insurance

Your Comprehensive Guide to Temporary Car Insurance

Temp Car Insurance (‘Temp Car Insurance’ or ‘we/us/our’ throughout this policy) is dedicated to ensuring that all private information is secure and used in line with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) reform; which first came into effect on 25th May 2018.

Is Temporary Car Insurance For You?

Temporary car insurance is a limited cover than spans over the time period in which you need to borrow a car. Whether you need to pick up a vehicle, insure a colleague on a work car, or simply share a longer drive, there are insurance policies for you. No matter when you need to use a car that you’re not insured on, temporary cover is the most cost-effective solution.

How Do Temporary Car Insurance Policies Work?

Rather than purchasing a traditional annual policy, temporary car insurance will provide you with the same level of protection for a shorter period of time. Each policy works in the same way as a normal insurance policy, without the use of long term contracts. After your chosen policy expires, it will not automatically renew. Instead, the policy will expire and you will need to purchase another. Before your policy expires, you will be provided with a notification so that you can purchase additional short-term cover should you need to.

Am I Eligible for Temporary Cover?

Most UK drivers are eligible for temporary car insurance as long as they meet the following requirements:

  • Are aged between 18 and 78 years old
  • Are the holder of a UK or EU driving licence
  • Have held your licence for at least 6 months (12 months for EU licenses)
  • Are looking to insure your car which is valued between £800 and £65,000.
  • The vehicle must be in a drivable condition with a current, valid MOT
  • The vehicle must be taxed

Should you have any penalty points, you may still be eligible for temporary car cover. However certain limits may apply to your policy. This is not the case for all schemes, in which you may not be eligible.

As well as meeting criteria, some criteria will limit your ability to obtain short term cover. These include:

  • A car that has been modified
  • The car in question is a left-hand drive
  • The vehicle has been impounded
  • The car has more than 8 seats
  • The car has been hired and is used for home delivery, taxi or courier services
  • The vehicle is not registered in Great Britain, Northern Ireland or the Isle of Man
  • The car has been declared SORN

What Is the Price of Temporary Car Insurance?

It's important to note that the price of temporary car insurance will differ from one driver to another. To find out how much insurance will cost you, you can find quotes based on your individual circumstances. Your quote will be based on your driving history, the vehicle you need and the duration in which you will be driving.

I’m Using A Friends Car, Do I Need Insurance?

When using your friend’s vehicle, you will always need to be insured. Here are some of your options:

  • Temporary car insurance
  • An annual car insurance policy
  • Become part of the owner’s annual policy

Why Choose Temporary Car Insurance with Temp Car Insurance?

Avoid High Costs

If you need to use a vehicle for a short period of time, then an annual policy isn’t a cost-effective solution. With short term car cover, you can save yourself a significant sum of money as well as hours of unnecessary stress setting up an annual policy.

Pay for What You Need

With hourly prices available up to 28 days of cover, you can pay for the time in which you use the vehicle. This will avoid you paying unnecessary prices for a vehicle you’ll only use once or twice throughout the year.

Is It Better to Add Someone to My Current Car Insurance?

In most situations, this is not the best solution. This is due to the fact that your friend would need to be added to your current policy and will thus have to purchase a whole years' worth of cover. This can be very expensive and also very time intensive to organise. Instead, by using short term cover you can ensure your friend only pays for the time in which they’re using your vehicle. It will also have no impact on your annual insurance price.

Your No Claims Discount Is Protected

If you’re worried about your no claims discount, worry no longer. Should an individual have an accident in your vehicle, this will not impact your no claims discount. This is because short term insurance is a separate policy that sits alongside your current insurance. This allows you to continue saving on your cover whilst enjoying your friend driving you around!

Statistics have shown that a No Claims Discount can reduce the cost of your annual insurance by up to 65%. This is why it’s so important that your discount is protected should you choose to share your vehicle with another individual.

Flexible Cover Policies

With several great policies to choose from, you can choose a policy that fits your own personal circumstances. If you need short term cover to pick up a vehicle, you can choose from policies that cover only a few hours. Alternatively, if you want to find a long term insurance, you can use temporary cover as a stopgap until you find the right policy for you.

Fast And Effective Cover

Getting covered is fast and efficient with Temp Car Insurance. We can quickly provide you with a range of quotes from several insurance providers in a matter of minutes. Once you have found a policy that fits your needs, you can then be insured and ready to drive instantly. As a result, you can pick up your new car and drive it straight away with full confidence that you’re fully protected.

When Is Temporary Car Insurance the Best Option?

You’re Going On Holiday

If you have plans to take a holiday either in the UK or abroad then a short-term insurance policy is your best option for the cover you need. Whether you’re going out for a day trip or you’re away for a few weeks, Temp Car Insurance has you covered.

Car Sharing

When driving for longer periods of time, car sharing is usually the best option as it will prevent a single driver from becoming fatigued. Short term cover allows you to share the responsibility of the drive whilst also saving money during the process. If you need fast insurance for your car share, we are the best option for you.


If you have any former convictions then getting an insurance policy can be a tricky process. The costs themselves can be very high and some insurers may not offer you a policy. Luckily for you, we can help you to get short-term cover that will get you back on the road.

Emergency Insurance

Unfortunately, none of us can predict the future. Luckily, our short-term insurance is very quick to buy. You can be insured in less than five minutes, ideal if you need to drive in an emergency. This is significantly faster (and cheaper) than adjusting your current policy, allowing you to focus on the problem at hand.

Business Vehicles

If you own a business vehicle that you want to loan to employees, then Temporary Car Insurance is your best option for doing so. This cost-effective solution will help you to keep your costs down and save you hours of unnecessary hassle. You can cover your staff for individual trips or for a monthly period in which they would be covered.

Impounded Vehicles

Impounded vehicles are usually considered to be high risk and therefore many insurers will not offer cover as part of a normal policy. We can provide you with specialist impounded vehicle insurance to get you back on the road without hassle.

Purchasing A New Vehicle

If you’ve recently purchased a new vehicle and want to drive it home, then make sure you’re insured when doing so. We can provide you with fast, affordable cover to ensure you’re covered for your drive home. Once home, you can then focus on securing a longer term insurance policy.

UK Expats

If you’re no longer located in the UK, but you want to return to visit friends and family, then short term expat car insurance is the best option for you. We can make sure that you’re covered for the time you actually spend in the UK, rather than having to become a part of someone else’s insurance policy.

Imported Vehicles

Buying vehicles from alternative countries has become an extremely popular choice throughout the UK. However, getting the vehicle from the garage to your home can be troublesome. We can provide you with short term insurance to ensure that you’re covered for the drive home. Once home, you can begin arranging longer term insurance for the future.

We Support Young Drivers

It’s certainly no secret that insurance for drivers aged 18-25 is more expensive than any other age group. As a result, young individuals often need to break the bank just to cover their vehicles. We can provide you with comprehensive cover at a more affordable rate.

We cover all of the following groups:

  • Students learning to drive
  • Students driving at university or when home for the holidays
  • Hourly car insurance
  • 1 day insurance
  • Weekend car insurance
  • Weekly car insurance
  • Car insurance for a month

With so many options to choose from, we are confident that you will find a policy that fits your circumstances. No matter what you need, you can rely on the Temp Car Insurance team to help.

Customer Orientated Approach

Since the day we opened our doors, Temp Car Insurance has been dedicated to providing individuals of all ages with the best insurance policies available. With a reputation for being easy to work with, we plan to continue improving our levels of customer service, making your insurance journey as seamless as possible.

Ready to get driving?Get your instant quote now.