Frequently Asked Questions

I Can’t Get A Quote. Why Has This Happened?

Whilst we do our very best to provide each of our customers with a quote, there are several factors that may contribute to whether or not you are eligible for you. This could include your age, the time in which you have held a licence, the vehicle you want to insure and any former issues you may have been involved in. Therefore, it could be a combination or a single factor that do not meet the criteria for our insurers. Unfortunately, in such circumstances there is very little we can do. We suggest that you come back in the future, as our acceptance criteria are continuously being updated to ensure we can serve our customers.

Can I Insure More Than 1 Diver?

As of this answer (January 2021), we only permit a single driver per policy. It may be possible that in the future we will insure multiple drivers via a single policy however, for now, two separate applications will need to be sent for the same vehicle. This process is still relatively simple as neither of the policies will interfere with the other.

Does My Policy Cover Work Purposes?

Most of the policies available at Temp Car Insurance have been designed for domestic and voluntary commuting as well as one place of work. Should you need additional coverage for work purposes, we advise that you check the Insurer's Declaration to ensure the terms included suit your purposes.

Is It Possible To Take Out Multiple Policies?

Temp Car Insurance has been designed for short term use and so we would not recommend using our services for a long period of time. We offer insurance of up to 28 days and this can then be repeated should you need it to. However, in the long term, we recommend looking into annual policies with alternative insurers.

Can I Tax My Vehicle?

With all of our temporary policies you can tax your vehicle. This can be completed directly on the DVLA website, or through your local post office using your insurance documents.

Do I Need To Own The Vehicle?

You do not need to be the vehicle owner to take out insurance with Temp Car Insurance, though you do need the permission of the owner. As long as the vehicle in question is not a rental, hire or lease, we can provide you with a policy that suits you.

Can I Insure A SORN Vehicle?

As long as your vehicle is in a roadworthy condition and you have tax or plan to tax the vehicle with our insurance certificate, we can provide you with insurance. The vehicle is also required to have a current MOT or a pre-booked MOT appointment for your insurance to be valid.

My License Number Has Been Declined. Why Is This?

With many of our insurance policies, you will be required to provide you licence number. If you find that your licence is not being accepted, or a message that the information doesn’t match, you can do the following:

  • Check that your licence is registered in the UK
  • Check that your first and last names have been spelt correctly and that you haven’t accidentally entered an incorrect name.
  • Check that your date of birth has been entered correctly
  • Check that the licence number you have provided belongs to the driver you want to insure

Once you have checked each of these mistakes, we are sure that you should not have any further issues.

Once you’ve checked all of these things, we’re pretty confident you won’t have any further issues. If you’re still encountering problems, then contact our team directly and we will do what we can to help.

What Details Will I Need for My Application?

In order to get started with your Temp Car Insurance application, you will need all of the details of the driver who will be taking out insurance. This will include their contact details, address, date of birth, and details of the vehicle. We would also suggest having their licence number on hand as this will likely be requested at a later time.

Do You Offer A No Claims Bonus?

Unfortunately, a no claims bonus is not applicable for any short term policies.

When Can I Expect My Vehicle To Show On AskMID?

The details of the Motor Insurers Database will be shown on your Policy Confirmation email.

Once you’ve purchased a Temporary Car Insurance policy with our team, your insurance details will shortly be passed to the Motor Insurance Database (MID). Due to the short nature of the policies in question, it is possible that your policy may have expired before showing up on askMID.

To show evidence of your insurance, we suggest that you print out your Insurance Certificate and keep this with you at all times when driving, as it will provide you with proof of your insurance.

Ready to get driving?Get your instant quote now.