Privacy Policy

Temp Car Insurance (‘Temp Car Insurance’ or ‘we/us/our’ throughout this policy) is dedicated to ensuring that all private information is secure and used in line with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) reform; which first came into effect on 25th May 2018.

Under the Data Protection Act (DPA) Temp Car Insurance are responsible for, and control the processing of your personal data. By submitting information to the Temp Car Insurance Site (Our Site throughout this policy) you are consenting to the processing of your information by us and our agents in full accordance with this privacy policy.

1. Data We Collect

Whenever you use our website or contact one of our agents to obtain an insurance policy or quote, we may collect any of the following information about you in order to understand your insurance requirements.

Information that you provide when visiting our site, register for and use any of our online services. This includes requesting a quote, or applying to any of our products.

All information that you provide to our partners and affiliates where you have consented to that information being passed on.

Information passed over through telephone, letter, SMS or email.

Information that our team will collect about you from documents that are otherwise available to the public. This includes the electoral register, or from third parties such as fraud prevention agencies and credit reference companies.

Information from public sources and third-party databases that are offered to the insurance industry to reduce the risk of financial crime and insurance fraud. We also may collect information about your driving licence to check your driving history with the DVLA.

All information that you provide should you report a problem with our site or should you contact us to request for assistance.

All details of your visits to our website including and not exclusive to traffic data, location data, weblogs, IP address, as well as additional communication data that is required for our own purposes.

We do not collect any sensitive personal data for the purpose of processing your insurance quote or policy.

2. How Your Information Is Used

We use Your Information in the following ways:

So that we can identify the most appropriate product provider and arrange the provision of services requested.

To calculate the most cost-effective insurance quotes based on the information you provided.

To contact you and any individual referred to by you in connection with an application.

To respond to all requests, complaints and entries received by you.

To update our records.

To provide you with additional information about the products and services we offer. This will be based on the information you have provided and the interest that you have displayed for our services. This will be sent via email and/or SMS.

Should you choose to receive Temp Car Insurance direct marketing communications, we will provide you with updates regarding our latest promotions and discounts. We will only contact you using the method you have provided. Should you choose to opt into our direct marketing communications, we will always provide you with the opportunity to opt-out at any time using the instructions available. Alternatively, you can contact our team directly and we will complete the process for you.

To analyse profiles and industry trends to carry out any assessments.

For audit purposes.

To carry out internal research into customer satisfaction rates so that we can improve our service.

To detect and prevent fraud, information that you provide may be put onto a register of claims and shared with other insurers to prevent any attempts of fraud.

To meet all regulatory compliance and reporting obligations.

To make sure that all contact on our site is present in the most effective format.

To develop and enhance our services and notify you about any changes being made.

To enable third parties to carry out all of the above on our behalf.

Your information will be shared with an outsourced claims management company who will have access to your information in order to validate your insurance policy to handle your claim

We hold the right to share your information with and obtain information about you from our credit reference agency. Any searches completed will not impact your credit rating.

All information collected will be held for up to 7 years after our professional relationship has terminated. Any data held electronically may be held for longer.

If your data has been stored as a result of any fraudulent activity or for any legal proceedings, then your data will be stored beyond the 7 year retention period. This will then be removed once the data is no longer required.

3. How Your Information Is Shared

We hold the right to share your information with third parties in the following ways:

In some circumstances, we will use service providers to process your information on our behalf. For example, third parties may be used to maintain our IT systems. When we use these agents to process your information, we will ensure that adequate security measures have been put into place to safeguard your data.

Your personal information will be released should be we required to release it. This may be a result of legal or regulatory purposes.

Your information that will be sold to third parties as part of the selling of our business.

If we are unable to provide you with a suitable insurance policy during your application, we will check amongst our partners to see if they can provide you with the most appropriate cover.

We will never share your information with third parties for the purpose of marketing without first gaining your consent.

Your information may be passed to credit reference, fraud prevention, law enforcement agencies and identity and address verification agencies. Such agencies may record and use your information and disclose it to other organisations for a credit references, money laundering, fraud and debt tracing prevention purposes.

To assess your application we may transfer your information to our partners, brokers or third parties.

We may also share your information with any of the associated companies within our group.

It is possible that your data may be captured within a session replay tool. This provides us with valuable analytical data to enhance our customer journey and resolve any issue that may occur.

Should you contact us via our live chat platform, any information that you supply will be stored within the platform to ensure that we can fulfil our live chat service.

During your application, you confirm that you have the consent of any other individual whose details are provided by you in connection with your application or enquiry and for us to use that person’s information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Should false or inaccurate information be provided, including in relation to an individual's identity and as a result fraud is suspected, details about this information and the customers Personal Data will be passed on to fraud prevention agencies. It is possible that this data will also be passed to law enforcement agencies to access and use. We and other organisations may also access and use this information to prevent and detect crime, money laundering and fraud.

Both us and other organisations may access and use the information provided by fraud prevention agencies. For additional details of the relevant fraud prevention agencies, please feel free to contact our team directly. We will then provide you with any additional information that you request.

4. Where Is Your Information Stored

It is possible that your information may be transferred to, stored and processed by our teams or a service provider, or a third party with whom we share your information in another country. This includes countries outside of the European Union such as the USA. Whilst data protection safeguards in such countries may not be as high, we make sure that adequate procedures are put into place to protect your information.

All information that you send to us is stored on our secure services. The data centre in which this is stored does not pass your data outside of the UK.

In situations where you have been provided or have chosen a username, passcode and memorable word to access certain parts of our website, you are responsible for keeping this data confidential. It is your responsibility not to share this data with anyone.

Not all transmission of data through the internet is completely secure. Whilst we do our very best to protect your information throughout the year, we cannot guarantee the security of your information transmitted to our site. Any transmission is at your own risk. After we have received your information, it will be stored using our strict procedures and security features to prevent the risk of any unauthorised access.

5. Your Rights

Below are the rights you have to access your data:

You have full rights to request access to the personal data we hold on your behalf. This formal request can be made under the DPA and will be referred to as a Subject Access Request. Should you wish to access this right, you should do the following:

Your request should be put in writing, either by email or directly by letter with the subject heading: Subject Access Request.

In this request, you must include proof of your identity and your address. (This could include your drivers’ licence and a utility bill received in the last 3 months).

You must specify the personal data that you wish to access, including any reference numbers where appropriate.

Your Rights of Data Rectification:

You have the right to ask us to correct any inaccuracies in your data completely free of charge. To do this, you should complete the following:

Your request should be put in writing, either by email or directly by letter with the subject heading: Subject Access Request.

In this request, you must include proof of your identity and your address. (This could include your drivers’ licence and a utility bill received in the last 3 months).

Specify the incorrect information and the information it should be replaced with.

Your Rights to Object to Direct Marketing:

You hold the right to ‘unsubscribe’ to any direct marketing emails when you want to.

You hold the right to ask us to stop processing your personal data for direct marketing purposes. Objecting to direct marketing will mean that we are unable to contact you regarding any promotions of offers that fit your insurance needs. If you wish to exercise your right, you must do the following:

Follow the ‘unsubscribe/opt-out’ link in your email or SMS;

Make sure that your request is in writing via email or by letter. In both cases, use the subject heading: Unsubscribe.

If you object not to direct marketing as a whole but to direct marketing from a particular channel then it is important that you specify this channel in your writing.

Your Rights to Data Portability:

You hold the right to ask us to securely transmit your data to another provider where possible. This can be completed in a machine-readable, commonly used format.

Your request must be put in writing via email or by mail. The subject heading should be called: Data Portability.

You must include proof of your identity and your address. (This could be your driving licence and a utility bill received in the last 3 months.

You must also include details of the Data Controller and where you would like your data ported to.

Your Rights to Data Erasure:

You also hold the right to be erased from our system. This means that all information we hold about you will be deleted from our records. To confirm your details, we may require proof of identification. Should you want to exercise this right you should complete the following:

Your request should be put in writing, either by email or directly by letter with the subject heading: Subject Access Request.

In this request, you must include proof of your identity and your address. (This could include your drivers’ licence and a utility bill received in the last 3 months).

By erasing your data, we will no longer be able to continue to help you with your insurance arrangements.

All data erasure requests will be handled in line with our retention periods.

For all data requests, we will respond within one month of receipt of your request.

Your Rights to Complain:

Should you encounter any issues when using our service, you have a right to complain to the Information Commissioners Office (ICO). You should do so if you believe that Temp Car Insurance has not adhered to your rights or if you have concerns as to how your data has been handled.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or queries about any of the information provided in this Privacy Policy, or you would like to know how you can exercise your rights, please feel free to contact our team directly.

6. Access to Other Sites

When using our website, you may click links to and from the websites of our partners and affiliates. Should this occur please note that each site will have their very own privacy policies. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for these policies. Please check these policies before you choose to submit any personal information on these websites.

7. Policy Updates

We hold the right to update this Privacy Policy from time to time. Please check our Privacy Policy on a regular basis to keep updated. This was last updated 13/01/2021.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us directly.

8. Security

Temp Car Insurance makes use of secure servers to ensure that all of your information is completely secure. This includes your credit/ debit card details and personal information submitted with your application. We do not store your credit/ debit card details.

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